Our Programs

Let your language match your dreams

We offer our programs in English, French and Spanish to schools, colleges, universities, individuals and organizations for the native language like speaking proficiency of the target language in the students and the native language like environment of the same at the premises.


Like the English

Tried and tested on lakhs of students with 100% efficacy in Delhi NCR, it is the biggest breakthrough in English language learning . It is provided as a para-academic course at hundreds of prestigious schools of the country. By breaking all the communicative barriers for the students, it enables them to pursue their dreams worldwidely. Besides this, It  Brings about a great cognitive and emotive evolution in the students leading to their character building and personality development.

Like the Spanish

Likewise the other Foreign language learning programs of The Langdom, this is also an acquisition program. Teaching and learning are replaced by conditioning and involvement in it. It conditions the students to acquire Spanish language in the manner of acquiring the native language. The program works as a catalyst for IQ, EQ and SQ development of the students. At the same time, it widens their communicative reach which comes in very handy in the pursuance of worldwide opportunities.

Like the French

Parlez français comme les français means speak French like the French. It ensures the native language like fluency and accuracy of French speaking in the learners and thereby it caters the basic requirement of international schooling. The program has won acclamation from numberless students, scholars and schools for its astonishing efficacy. Students pursue this program for the global marketability of their talent and skills.

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Mission & Vision

Mission :

Our mission is to break all the communicative barriers for Indians to enable them to prove their worth in the big world and to help India become an international schooling hub.

Vision : 
We share our collective vision of making India the Vishvaguru with all the people of our great nation.

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Happy learners
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Schools and colleges
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About Us

We are a business entity of Vageshwari Edutainment Pvt Ltd, a company engaged in making the process of education fast, easy, economical and entertaining  at schools, colleges and universities.We possess ingenious research,  techniques and expertise whereby we ensure the learning of a target   language with the ease, speed and spontaneity of acquiring the first language. Putting in view the importance of foreign languages learning in the modern world village and their significance in the cognitive development of children, we provide, under our ingenious concept of 3L Conditioning, a linguistic conditioning at educational institutions,  whereby, the students acquire English,  French and Spanish in the manner of acquiring the mother tongue. Thus, our services help our clients ensure complete target language behaviour among their students and full target language environment at their premises. We also enable them to switch over to involvement based schooling, which is 9 to 10 times more productive than the direct instruction based schooling. Thus, we are set to herald a knowledge revolution in our country.

Why Only Us?

We alone have the research, expertise and mechanism whereby a person can be made to acquire a foreign language in the manner of acquiring the native language.

Teaching and learning are replaced by conditioning and involvement in our courses. We make the Language acquisition Device of the learners function in relation with a foreign language as it functions in relation with the native language. Naturally, our courses are very easy to pursue.

Our process is mainly perception based. In other words, we make use of senses, instincts and intuition more than that of intelligence for making a learner acquire a foreign language. So anybody, irrespective of his or her IQ, can get a very good command over a foreign language though our process.

Our courses, like the so called spoken courses, do not impart the selective communication which is only crippled expression. We make our learners think, feel and even imagine in the target language.

As much native language a person learns in several years of his or her life, we make him or her acquire a foreign language in the duration of a few months. Hence, our process is many times faster than the learning of even the mother tongue.


In the case of native language, the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) acquires the language data mainly from colloquial language. Hence, such language data is raw and rough. But, our courses furnish the LAD with refined and filtered language data. Therefore, the language of our students has more correctness and purity than that of the native users.

Our foreign language acquisition courses cost the learners broadly as much as a new dress costs them.  This is quite trivial putting in view the huge amount that the people have to spend to attain the same level by other means.

We have the annual intake of more than one lakh students at our different centers and client schools and collages located mainly in the NCR. This speaks of the credibility of our services.

Along with the development of communication skill, we impart soft skills to our student which result in personality development of a very high degree among them.


Language acquisition and knowledge acquisition go side by side according to Linguistics. Since, language acquisition is very fast in our process, the knowledge acquisition also becomes very fast. This makes our students very resourceful.